Daily High Club Micro Ripper Dab Rig

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This tiny but mighty piece offers big time flavor! By keeping the 14mm dab rig chamber compact, there is less opportunity for your smoke to get stale, meaning a fresher flavor with every rip. A 14 mm dab rig is perfect for taking a micro dab hit, which is great for conserving concentrates when needed. The unique but simple design is also what makes it one of the best micro dab rigs on the market, providing the cleanest and smoothest tokes. 

Micro Dab Rig Includes

  • Premium 14mm quartz banger (banger styles may vary).

Micro Dabber Rig Specs

  • Height: ~5"
  • Joint: 14mm Female
  • Percolator style: Slitted Circ Perc

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