Helping Friendly Hemp Pipe Helper 16oz

Regular price $15.99
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Helping Friendly Hemp Pipe Helper 16oz

    Flavor Profiles:

    • Original (Unflavored)-Enjoy the natural flavor of your bounty with the added benefits of
    • Helping Friendly Pipe Helper!
    • Apple-Flavorful Fujis, tart granny smiths, and sweet honey crisps come together to add that juicy flavor you won’t soon forget.
    • Grape- Asubtle mix of white grape and candied grape flavors that hits all the right notes and will give your smoke something special.
    • Peppermint (Cooling)-Peppermint and menthol notes will infuse a minty essence into your next hit.
    • Pineapple-Rich tropical flavor of sweet juicy pineapples. Slightly sweet but not overpowering
    • Sherbert-A solid blend of creamy citrus and berry fruit creates a rainbow of flavor to accompany your next smoke.
    • Vanilla Custard-Decadent vanilla bean and an infusion of Madagascar and Mexican Vanilla come together to give a creamy sweet mouth feel to your choice of smoke.

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